Matching Fund
The Matching Fund (MF) is one of our most important implementation instruments. It leverages private sector funds to mobilize resources and realize synergies which result in higher impacts and better market linkages. Jointly defined activities such as farmers trainings on the SRP standard, business skills and access to finance are technically supported by us but implemented by the MF partners.
Through this approach, the sustainability of the project is ensured. The MF partners have ownership of the project as they predominantly fund the activities and bear the responsibility to implement them.
Share of MF contribution
Matching Fund Mechanism
The Matching Fund (MF) Mechanism follows four steps, each step containing varying processes.
At the onset a potential partner is identified after which, step one is implemented, namely, conceptual development. Here, a concept is developed between the potential partner and CARI/MF. Following this, the concept is evaluated and adjusted, leading into the second step, where a technical proposal is drafted for review/decision making, when successful, funding is received.
The third step focuses on implementation processes, which span four phases. Throughout the first phase, namely, inputs, linkages to high quality seeds and input sources are created. After linkages have been created, the production phase begins, where training in Sustainable Rice Practices (SRP), Good Agricultural Processes (GAP) or in Farmers Business School Approaches (FBS) is received. Moreover, in the second phase, cooperatives and links to off-takers (e.g.: millers/aggregators) are organised and created. The third phase deals with processing, where links between farmers and viable out-grower schemes for steady sourcing of quality paddy, are developed. Additionally, business plan development is supported at the processing phase. The fourth phase deals with marketing and trade, focusing on improving the marketability and sale of locally produced rice/rice products.
The last step focuses on results, which result in viable long-term relationships for a sustainable rice value chain. Therefore, on-going high-quality product yield, quality and quantity, are supported though extension services and further trainings. To date, over 13 Mio € has been raised from CARI (5.2 Mio €) and Matching Fund Partners (8.1 Mio €).