What we do

Our projects aims to support the actors in the rice value chain in a holisitic manner. On the following page you can read insightful stories and reports, highlighting our continuing work on technology and innovation, gender, our partner cooperation, our impact and efforts to make climate friendly rice a reality. You can also read about the various events and happenings that have taken place through the CARI project.

Technologie & Innovation, Technology & Innovation

What is Parboiling and how does it work?

A visual journey to a Women’s parboiling cooperative in Burkina Faso

In comparison to whole grain rice, parboiled rice is enriched with more than half of its original nutritional content. This process - called parboiling - allows the minerals, vitamins and nutrients housed in rice husks to be absorbed into the final rice grains. The parboiling process is performed most of the times through women cooperatives. Cooperatives empower women by providing them with opportunities to earn additional income.

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Technology & Innovation

Rice planting

A more demanding job than you might think

Preparing a nursery bed is one of the first steps in the rice cultivation. This process takes more patience and time as one would assume. Follow us to a rice field in Burkina Faso to learn more about the work.

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Cooperation, Gender, Technology & Innovation

Insights from our Partners

Women as protagonists of change

To mark the 2021 International Women’s Day, WOFAN rewarded 300 smallholder women farmers from Dogon Bauchi and Samaru, Zaria, Kaduna state, Nigeria, with input and processing equipment, to motivate them to take their development into their own hands.

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Climate Smart, Gender, Technology & Innovation

Bridging the Digital Gender Divide

Advancing Adoption to Climate Change through ICT Solutions for Nigerian Rice Farmers – a Changemaker’s Story

For years, this divide was assumed to be symptomatic of technical challenges: The thinking went that women would catch up with men when the world had cheaper devices and lower connectivity prices, due to the limited purchasing power and financial independence of women compared with men.

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Cooperation, Technology & Innovation

Grow digital

Baseline Survey on Rice Farmers' Affinity towards ICT solutions in West Africa

The goal of this survey was to explore the smartphone penetration rate amongst rice farmers in Nigeria and Burkina Faso and attempt to understand their affinity towards ICT solutions.

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Cooperation, Impact, Technology & Innovation

Follow us along the rice value chain in Nigeria

Let us take you on a virtual fieldtrip to Nigeria ...

Enjoy a descriptive and informative video on CARI's work in Nigeria

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Climate Smart, Cooperation, Technology & Innovation


Advice on field-specific rice management practices

The Japanese-funded ‘RiceAdvice’ App project, benefits over 16,000 African farmers: "Thanks to a 1-year project supported by the Government of Japan, 200 trained service providers have helped more than 16,000 rice farmers in Mali and Nigeria benefit from ‘RiceAdvice’ ... "

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